Hey! I’m Jonathan Ho

UX designer and software engineer based in Seattle

( Also a massive foodie and travel guidean expert at all things Disney Worlda non-admitting Swiftiea modest Mario Kart Playera Pokémon fanaticstill being chased by the Duolingo bird )

Currently a Frontend Engineer working on Amazon Lightsail, and
completing Masters of Information in UX Design at University of Toronto

Some of my recent work

Amazon Lightsail Portfolio Cover

Amazon Lightsail

Frontend, UX

A simple, easy-to-use cloud platform for building/deploying web applications and other projects.

Nest Group Finder portfolio cover

Nest – Student Group Finder

UI/UX Design and Research

User research and low-fidelity app design for student discovery

Covid-19 passbook app prototype portfolio item cover

COVID-19 Passbook

UI/UX Design

App prototype to track and verify COVID-19 records

UofTea project portfolio item cover


UX design; Web development

Course information and review platform for University students